Mar 2, 2017

One Step Forward Two Steps Back

I brought the 'ped inside today to see if I could figure out how I could keep this engine together tight enough to hold compression and run (see previous post for details of stripped engine studs). While dragging it's lifeless body in from the street, I noticed not only was the carb still leaking (I have to remember to get some gaskets to hopefully solve that problem) but there was also a pinhole leak in the tank right by the gas cap.

Welding the hole shut would probably be the ideal solution... even JB welding it would be pretty ok (I JB welded a quarter over the leaky oil sight window previously) but, whatever. I just chewed up some gum and smushed it over the leak. Oh god how this bike must hate me.

I can tell it hates me. It should, I've done little other than fool with it and fix it poorly, and I've taken way too long to do what few shoddy repairs to it that I've done so far. This bike has a history though. I've learned a bit about it today. The engine case has been heli coiled. Not only did a previous (more than one, I assume, I don't know how many) owner cook the wiring harness by welding a coil mount under the seat, the case was drilled and heli coiled.

This is the root of my problems. Fucking Heli coils. I bought a tap/die set from Home Despot in hopes of cleaning up the threads and having everything work out. Did it work? Hell no!

Instead of chasing some M6 x 1mm threads in the case, I ended up removing the heli coil. Also, it's been drilled out so much that I can't tap it to a 7mm thread and just use oversize engine studs.

I guess I'm going to try to heli coil it once more. I have to look up the whole helicoil thing first.

Whenever I think I've fixed one thing on this hunk of junk, I find two more things wrong with it.

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